Saturday, April 2, 2011

Monthly Message - Dieting and Exercise Didn't Work

This month we are delighted to have a message from Michael Purles, the Operations Director and Cofounder of Lightpoint.  Thanks, Michael! 

Dieting and Exercise Didn’t Work
Do you ever feel like things are just stacked against you—that no matter what you do you just can’t get something done? Maybe you know that quiet, but depressing feeling of passing ever-larger clothing sizes like mileage signs on the freeway. That’s how my wife felt several years ago as she tried to get control of her weight, blossoming from a size 8 to a 14. 

She tried all the regular stuff we do in our culture—reading articles on how to lose weight, cutting down on the number of calories she consumed, and working out at least three days a week at a facility promoting itself as a weight loss solution. This didn’t go on for just a few days or a few months. This was a two-year odyssey. Guess what she lost during that period? Two pounds. You read it right, only two pounds.

We both knew by now that there must be more to losing weight and keeping it off than dieting (Don’t you hate that word?) and lots of exercise. She tried both with complete failure. Our next step was to take her to a doctor who was a specialist in bio-identical hormone therapy. The laboratory blood test confirmed her hormone levels were at the bottom of the scale (almost non-existent)—not just one, but thyroid, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, and the adrenal gland hormones. She remarked, “Now I know why I’m so tired all of the time.” 

Losing weight was impossible for her. It couldn’t be done. So, she started on bio-identical hormone therapy. Bio-identical hormones are natural hormone formulations at prescribed doses. They have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your body. Synthetic hormones, those made by pharmaceutical companies and prescribed by many physicians are intentionally different. Drug companies are not able to patent bio-identical structures and hormones. Their resolve is to invent synthetic hormones that are patentable like Premarin, and Prempro. They are not the same as the bio-identical hormones and have been shown to have some horrific side-effects. 

The doctor worked with my wife to get her hormones to the levels required for good health. Her body responded and several months later the change was incredible. She ate properly, worked appropriate exercise into her busy career and home schedule, and the weight came off. It seemed like a miracle, but was the result of getting to a proper state of wellness. She went from a size 14 to a size 8. This occurred about seven years ago and she has been able to keep the weight off ever since.  

Just a footnote—this is one of the things that led me to Lightpoint. We have developed a program that looks at long-term weight loss from a totally different point of view, examining all of the factors that go into it and using a variety of tools to make it happen. I hope you enjoy this blog. We’re attempting to share some of the remarkable science available to us to get back control of our weight and health. 

Michael Purles

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