Saturday, April 2, 2011

Brain Busters - Mental Activity

Mental activity is an important way to develop a stronger, healthier brain through the building of brain reserve. 

Whenever you learn something new you have to build new neural pathways. Meditation, problem solving, puzzles, brain teasers, reading, and anything that causes you to think deeply all add to this brain reserve. 

This term relates to the brain's ability to physically reorganize itself in response to the demands placed upon it. A brain with a strong reserve is one that has formed many cellular connections and is rich in brain cell density. A strong reserve is generally believed to have the ability to delay the onset of mental deterioration, such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD). 

Simply put, neurodegenerative diseases must work longer and harder to manifest in a brain that has built up strong reserve.  The old "use it or lose it" saying holds true now more than than scientists ever imagined. 
So go and pull out that Rubik's cube and build up your brain reserve! 

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